Kickstarter Update

Woot, woot! I’ll be launching the PNP Kickstarter for Disturblings Monday, August, 7th!

I design as a hobby. I’m not trying to make a career of it, which isn’t to say I’m okay with releasing sub-par games. As both designer and illustrator, I’m doing the best that I possibly can, and I’ve been working tirelessly on Disturblings. This will be my second Kickstarter, and the coooooolest thing about the first one was seeing how many people around the world backed it. Knowing someone in Australia or Europe is playing something I created is really flippin’ neat.

All that is to say, I’d very much like to continue to share my games with as many people as possible, so if you could spread the word/link, I’d truly appreciate it. 🙂

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